Eidolon helvum Monitoring Network
A citizen-science project monitoring bat populations in Africa
Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Dechmann Lab
Mission of the project
Mission of the project
Straw-coloured fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) are the only known fruit bats to migrate over long distances and form large aggregations in Africa. Our project combines a volunteer network of colony counts with long-term GPS tracking (ICARUS) to better understand the drivers of these behaviors.
Straw-colored fruits bats are increasingly threatened by persecution and hunting. Monitoring colonies is essential for understanding if this keystone species is stable across Africa.
Research on migration and mega-colony formation
Latest results from tagged bats
What's new?
What's new?
Interested in sharing your experience in monitoring bats? Contribute to our blog on Eidolon helvum.
Contact Natalie to get more information on the project.